Creating a compelling website is not just about good design and technical functionality; it’s equally about the content that populates the site. Content is the heart of a website – it informs, engages and converts visitors. However, one of the most significant roadblocks in web development projects is clients underestimating the importance and time commitment required to develop effective content.

The Reality of Content Creation: The Problem

While clients are often subject matter experts, they typically lack the specialized skills required to turn their knowledge into engaging, persuasive messages. Crafting high-quality content involves:

  • Research: Understanding the target audience, market trends and competitor positioning.
  • Writing: Creating clear, compelling and action-oriented copy.
  • Editing: Refining the content for clarity, consistency and impact.
  • SEO Optimization: Ensuring the content is optimized for search engines to drive organic traffic.

This process is time-consuming and requires a deep understanding of both the subject matter and effective communication strategies. Unfortunately, many clients fail to account for the time needed to produce this content, often believing it can be done quickly or as a side task. In reality, a dedicated effort, sometimes equivalent to a full-time job, is necessary to create quality content within the project’s timeline.

The Path to Content Creation Crisis

Several steps often lead to the unwanted situation where content creation becomes a bottleneck:

  • Initial Underestimation: Clients initially underestimate the effort required, believing that because they know their business, writing content will be straightforward and quick.
  • Lack of Dedicated Time: Clients attempt to fit content creation into their already busy schedules, leading to delays and rushed work.
  • Delayed Start: Content creation is often left until late in the project, resulting in a scramble to produce necessary materials as deadlines loom.
  • Last-Minute Panic: As the launch date approaches and the realization of the work required sets in, clients panic and either produce subpar content or scramble to find an agency to pick up the slack.

Successfully Completed Web Content Project

Trust and Delegation: The Solution

To avoid these pitfalls, it’s essential for clients to find a trusted agency and delegate the content creation work to professionals. Here’s why and how this can be done effectively.

The Importance of Trusting an Agency

  • Specialized Expertise: Professional agencies have the expertise to craft content that not only conveys the right message but also engages and converts. They understand the nuances of SEO, user behaviour and effective storytelling.
  • Time Management: Agencies have dedicated teams to handle content creation, ensuring that it’s done efficiently and to a high standard. This allows clients to focus on their core business activities without the added pressure of producing content.
  • Quality Assurance: Agencies implement rigorous quality control processes, including editing and proofreading, to ensure that the final content is polished and effective.

Effective Delegation: Steps to Success

Delegating content creation involves several critical steps:

  • Choose the Right Agency: It’s vital to select an agency with a proven track record in your industry. Look for agencies that offer comprehensive content services and have a portfolio of successful projects.
  • Define Clear Goals and Expectations: Before starting the project, clearly define the goals, target audience, and key messages. This ensures that the agency understands your vision and can create content that aligns with your objectives.
  • Establish a Single Point of Contact: Having a dedicated person in your organization who is responsible for liaising with the agency can streamline communication and ensure a steady flow of information and assets. This person should be readily available to answer questions, provide feedback, and approve content.
  • Create a Detailed Content Plan: Work with the agency to develop a comprehensive content plan that outlines the type of content needed, key topics, deadlines, and responsibilities. This plan serves as a roadmap, ensuring that both parties are aligned and working towards the same goals.
  • Regular Check-ins and Updates: Schedule regular meetings with the agency to review progress, address any issues, and make necessary adjustments. This keeps the project on track and allows for continuous improvement.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Timely and constructive feedback is essential to ensure that the content meets your expectations. Be specific about what you like and what needs improvement, and be open to the agency’s suggestions.

Delegating Content Creation To An Agency

A Better Workflow for Content Creation

To illustrate a much better workflow than the chaotic scenario described earlier, here’s a structured approach:

Phase 1: Discovery and Planning

  • Kick-off Meeting: Start with a comprehensive kick-off meeting involving key stakeholders from both the client and agency. Discuss goals, target audience, key messages, and project timeline.
  • Content Audit: Conduct an audit of existing content to identify what can be reused, what needs updating, and what new content is required.
  • Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy that aligns with the overall business objectives. This should include keyword research, topic ideation, and a content calendar.

Phase 2: Content Creation

  • Content Briefs: Create detailed content briefs for each piece of content, outlining the purpose, target audience, key messages, and SEO considerations.
  • Drafting: The agency’s writers create initial drafts based on the content briefs.
  • Internal Review: The agency’s editorial team reviews the drafts for quality, consistency, and alignment with the content strategy.

Phase 3: Client Review and Feedback

  • First Draft Review: The client’s point person reviews the first drafts and provides feedback.
  • Revisions: The agency revises the content based on the client’s feedback.
  • Approval: Once the client approves the revised drafts, the content moves to the finalization stage.

Phase 4: Finalization and SEO Optimization

  • Editing and Proofreading: The agency’s editorial team performs final editing and proofreading to ensure the content is polished and error-free.
  • SEO Optimization: The content is optimized for SEO, including meta tags, keyword integration, and internal linking.

Phase 5: Deployment and Analysis

  • Content Deployment: The finalized content is uploaded to the website, with proper formatting and media integration.
  • Performance Monitoring: After deployment, the agency monitors the content’s performance using analytics tools to track engagement, conversions, and SEO rankings.
  • Continuous Improvement: Based on performance data, the agency and client collaborate to refine and improve the content strategy over time.

Good Workflow Leads To Good Results


Underestimating the time and effort required for content creation is a common but significant roadblock in web development projects. By recognizing the complexities involved and trusting a professional agency to handle this critical task, clients can avoid last-minute panics and ensure a smoother, more-effective workflow.

Delegating content creation to an experienced agency not only frees up the client’s time but also ensures that the content is crafted to a high standard, optimized for SEO, and aligned with the overall business objectives. Establishing a single point of contact within the client’s organization and maintaining clear, consistent communication with the agency are key to a successful partnership.

In conclusion, approaching content creation with a structured, strategic mindset and trusting professionals to execute it can transform a potential headache into a seamless, efficient process, ultimately leading to a high-quality website that drives engagement and conversions.

Infinity Reef is a small, nimble agency that outperforms for its size and responds well to client engagement and collaboration. Contact us and we’ll be happy to have an unhurried, in-depth conversation with you.