Our goal was to provide choices for the site’s administrator and sales team, enabling them to create unique information, advertising and pricing. Big imagery, easy-to-navigate product pages, and calls-to-action delivered the best opportunity to further solidify TruckBoss’ reputation as industry leaders. It takes all the guesswork out of the equation for a client that knows what he wants and how to make it work for him.
This short animation shows how easily the TruckBoss Deck System integrates with the customer’s truck, and how simply the modular structure can be extended to carry rec toys and cargo.
Trucks and truck accessories still have magazines devoted to them and we’ve been able to convey TruckBoss’ premium brand characteristics while informing wider audiences.
With a strong following on facebook and Instagram, integrating our ad posts with TruckBoss’ personal posts has gone well. Website traffic is up and we’ve created interest in new product lines.
TruckBoss provides a customized experience and products custom-fit to their clients’ needs wherever they are in the world. We began by designing their site, including custom coding addons like the Build & Price module.
We now manage TruckBoss’ complete marketing strategy and executions. We saw opportunities to better package the TruckBoss story and integrated it with ongoing social media audience engagement, and we’ve seen traffic and sales increase accordingly.
ClientTruckBoss DecksServicesFull Marketing ServicesYear2017–PresentLinktruckbossdecks.com